MIREL Consortium includes 16 members from 11 countries, at least one for each continent. 8 beneficiaries (within Europe) and 8 partners (outside Europe).

The MIREL beneficiaries are key players in the communities of Deontic, AI & Law, and the Semantic Web, communities that have traditionally been strong in Europe. The MIREL consortium brings these scientists together with researchers with expertise traditionally lacking in Europe, such as norm and argument mining (Argentina, Japan and China), description logic for reasoning about legal ontologies (South Africa), natural language semantics of deontic modals (USA), and the complexity analysis of regulatory compliance (Australia).

University of Luxembourg is the coordinator of the MIREL project. It participate with the "Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)", launched in 2009 by the University of Luxembourg (UL), which aims to become a European centre of excellence and innovation for secure, reliable, and trustworthy ICT systems and services. In MIREL, it will contribute with its long-standing expertise in deontic logic and normative reasoning.

University of Bologna is the WP1 leader of the MIREL project. It participates with "Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Storia del Diritto, Filosofia e Sociologia del Diritto e Informatica Giuridica (CIRSFID)". In MIREL, it will contribute with its long-standing expertise in law, legal theory and philosophy.

University of Torino is the WP2 leader of the MIREL project. It participates with "Dipartimento di Informatica". In MIREL, it will contribute with its long-standing expertise in Natural Language Processing techniques.

University of Huddersfield is the WP3 leader of the MIREL project. It participates with the PARK research group, an internationally leading group in the areas of knowledge representation, semantic web and linked data technologies and AI planning.

INRIA is the WP4 leader. It participates in MIREL with the Wimmics research team. It aims at contributing to the project by offering models, methods and techniques for supporting knowledge management, and using graph-based and ontology-based formalisms and algorithms.

APIS is industrial partner in MIREL project with more than 25 years’ experience in provision of legal information products and services on the Bulgarian market. As such the company will contribute to 1) the semantic and structural annotation in XML of legislative texts of EU and national authorities, 2) the NER of legal citations and 3) the testing of the developed computational solutions in industrially relevant environment.

Nomotika s.r.l. is a spin-off company of University of Torino. The main goal of company is the research and the development of cutting-edge ICT solutions for the daily work of legal practitioners, for the digital government and for the legal and compliance officers of companies. The Nomotika staff encompasses several competences from the international research of excellence in law and computer science together with the long experience about ICT services for finance and risk analysis of the industry shareholder Augeos S.p.A. (www.augeos.it).

DLVSystem s.r.l. is a spin-off company of University of Calabria. The company mainly focuses on research on and development of the DLV system, with the purpose of licensing the core system as well as a comprehensive suite of DLV-based solutions aimed at knowledge intensive applications. Indeed, other than being packaged as a stand-alone solution, the DLV system constitutes the technological basis for providing (or integrating into a) larger solution to enable organizations solving knowledge-based business problems.

Zhejiang University has a long expertise in linguistics and argumentation. In MIREL, it will contribute in (1) building the syntax-semantic interface in WP2 and (2) developing novel, reasoning based solutions for checking and enforcing compliance in WP3.

Research Organization of Information and Systems has a research group that investigates an application of informatics to law domain (juris-informatics). In MIREL, ROIS will receive PhD students/researchers from European beneficiaries.

University of Cape Town has expertise in knowledge representation and reasoning. In MIREL it will contribute to the development of novel, reasoning based solutions for checking and enforcing compliance in WP3.

National University of La Plata (UNLP) is a public university with long expertise in law. In MIREL, it will contribute in searching for the design and development of normative ontologies and (2) exploring how legal norms can be seen as mechanisms that can align individual and collective goals with system requirements.

National University of Córdoba is a public university with a long expertise in Natural Language Processing. In MIREL, it will work on NLP related areas, both in design of experiments and in user cases. It will apply novel Active Learning techniques to improve.

Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahía Blanca. The Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Laboratory (LIDIA-UNS) is the largest research group in the Institute for Computer Science and Engineering and is recognized as the leading research group dedicated to AI in Argentina. In MIREL will contribute with the development of Defeasible Reasoning and Belief Revision.

National ICT Australia Ltd is a research leader in the field of business process compliance, legal reasoning and defeasible reasoning. In MIREL NICTA will contribute to foundational and computational aspects of legal reasoning and their application to compliance and the development of case studies.

Stanford University is internationally recognized as one of the top universities in the world. Its programs in artificial intelligence, in computational linguistics and natural language semantics rank among the best in the USA. In MIREL, Stanford will host visiting researchers from European beneficiaries.